Friday, March 20, 2009

Hwy 288 Offset Boxend Wrench Sighting

The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is in town. I believe this is the last weekend. Due to the increased traffic on Main Street I decided to use a different route to go home. The new route takes me down part of Hwy 288. This time of year the blue bells are growing in the median. The sight is inspiring to see. Here are wild flowers growing in the middle of one of the largest cities in the U.S. It makes me believe that Earth is a resilient place.

Friday, on my way home, I spotted what appears to be an offset box end wrench. The wrench is located on 288 south of downtown near the Cleburne Street overpass on the southbound inside median.

The wrench appears to be one of the larger sizes. Probably a 3/4 or possible a 13/16. If the wrench is there Monday I may stop to get it depending upon the rules.


  1. There is something amazing about this--that you have an eye for spotting the tools as you travel. Your photos are excellent. I was wondering if people claim their lost tools from you. Do you sell them when they are not claimed after a certain period? You could sell them on EBay or open up your own second hand tools store. Take care!

  2. No one has claimed a tool from me. I've been picking up tools for over 30 years. I've just been blogging about it for the past few months. One of my friends at work cliams this is a super power. I'd rather have X-ray vision or super strength. Thanks for reading.
