Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pierce Elevated - Bow Saw Sighting

I spotted a small bow saw on the way home from work. The saw is located on the right shoulder of Interstate 45 south bound in the downtown area of Houston. This strech of interstate is known as the Pierce Elevated because it follows Pierce through that part of houston and it's elevated about 30 to 40 feet off the ground.

The saw is about 20 inches long, has a yellow handle and appears to be slightly bent, probably from being smashed by a car. As stated previously, this is one of the busiest sections of interstate in Houston and probably in the United States. I don't stop for anything on the Pierce Elevated.

Stanley 99E Box Cutter

I found this Stanley 99E utility knife in the middle of the street in front of my house. I was working in my yard pulling weeds. I kept hearing a metallic sound from the street every time a car passed by the house. I walked out to the street and found the box cutter lying between the stripes in the center of the street.

The box cutter is in rough shape. The blade extender is broken and the pressure put on the frame by the cars running over the cutter has pressed it out of shape, but the cutter still tightly holds single blades in an open position making it useful.

The Stanley 99E Utility Knife is the classic retractable utility knife from the classic tool maker. I have several other utility knives, and they are all designed like the original Stanley 99. The ability of the tool to remain somewhat functional even after being repeatedly smashed is a testament to the Stanley design and manufacturing process. I wish I had found it before it was smashed, but I will get a lot of good use from this tool as a fixed blade utility knife.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Main Street - Another Screwdriver Sighting

I spotted this screwdriver the same morning I found the NAPA combination wrench. The extremely slow traffic gave me more than ample opportunity to view the sights.

The screwdriver is located about 300 yards north of the Holmes Road off ramp on the northbound lane of South Main Street on the left median. The wrench is slightly covered in mud and has been washed by rain storm under the edge of the median barrier. It appears to be a slotted screwdriver with a red and black stripped handle similar to the screw drivers you find at most dollar stores. I doubt this screwdriver will ever be repatriated to any one's home unless a storm washes it back into the median. That scenario is unlikely at best.

Main Street - 13mm NAPA Professional Wrench

I found this 13 millimeter NAPA Professional combination wrench on Main street when I was stuck in traffic for over 2 hours due to the traffic signal being out a Main Street and Loop 610 South on Tuesday.
The weather the night before and early that morning had been extreme in some parts of Houston. The area between I-10 and 290 received up to 11 inches of rain in some areas. Flooding was rampant in areas north of Main Street and especially in areas north of I-59. The light was out due to the weather, although the weather had not been as extreme on the south side of town.
I suspect a lot of the trash on the inside median had been washed away. With traffic backed up for over 5 miles I had plenty of time to scope out the median. This wrench was lying on the left median next to the retaining wall about one mile north of the Holmes road off ramp. The wrench is one of the high polish versions. There is a little surface rust on the wrench, but otherwise the wrench is in excellent shape.
The tools is marked NDRM53. This appears to be a tool sold by NAPA to student mechanics. Nice idea. Unfortunately now a student is without his 13 mm combination wrench. I suppose he will borrow one or she will buy a new wrench, but probably a different brand. Brand doesn't matter if you are working, but a matched set of wrenches is more professional looking.

Pierce Elevated - Screwdriver Sighting

I spotted black handled screwdriver on the Pierce Elevated/I-45 Southbound on my way home from work. The screwdriver is lying on the right shoulder of the road about 3 feet from the road. The rules and the sheer insanity of the decision to stop prevented me from even thinking about stopping to pick up the screwdriver. The screwdriver appeared to be a little rough like it might have been run over a time or two. I suspect it will lie on the side of the road for long time unless someone is forced to stop at this point in the road and decides to pick it up. The curb sweepers will probably get it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Main Street Pocket Knife Sighting

Things happen. I've seen a pocket knife lying on the inside shoulder of Main Street just south of the fire station for about 3 weeks. The knife appeared to be a muskrat style pocket knife (two long blades one at each end). It appeared the handles were broken, but I did not have a chance for close inspection. Brand identification was completely impossible. I almost had an opportunity to pick it up yesterday, but the line of cars in front of me started moving so I let it go. The rules keep me safe so I try to use them whenever possible.

Today the knife is gone, and so is all the debris on the inside shoulder as well as the hammer handle in front of the fire station. Houston city curb cleaners do it again! Every so often the curb cleaners remove everything and we start over again. There is no rhyme or reason or even a schedule. The curbs in front of Reliant have not been cleaned in months. Rodeo came and went and the curbs remained uncleaned from before Ike, but now the section of Main Street on the south side of 610 is clean. I'm not sure I understand the scheduling or the logic behind it, but I accept it as a part of life.

The good thing about curb cleaning is that it removes the detritus blocking our view of other material goods. After a good curb cleaning the "find" opportunities increase. Every cloud has a silver lining or a clean curb.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Holmes Road/Main Street Onramp - Screwdriver Sighting

Today was an exceptionally busy day at work. I barely had time to eat. My wife called to discuss my lunch options for the next few days. The call was pressure buster and really made my day. The only other bright spot was the trip home. I spotted a hammer not far from work and I spotted this screwdriver not far from home.

The screwdriver was lying in the left lane of the on Holmes Road on ramp to Main Street South just south of the intersection with Hiram Clark Road. The screwdriver appears to be a 8 inch slotted screwdriver with a white handle trimmed in red and blue. It may be a Craftsman tool, but the color scheme wasn't quite right.

Traffic was heavy and the rules prohibit stopping for screwdrivers, but I may slow down tomorrow to get a better view.

Pierce Elevated - Steel Shafted Claw Hammer Sighting

On my way home from work today I spotted a steel shafted claw hammer on the Pierce Elevated section of I-45 South. The hammer is lying on the outside shoulder next to a road construction sign about 500 feet from the off ramp to 59 South.

The hammer is unusable unless you can figure out how to replace the handle. The hammer is bent like a slice of watermelon. Picking up the hammer is also problematic. This is one of the busiest sections of interstate in Houston. Thousands of vehicles pass by this spot every day. I have a special spot in my heart for hammers, but this one is off limits unless something unusual happens.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Highway 280 - Crescent Locking Pliers

I found these Crescent locking pliers on Highway 280 in June of 1998. The locking pliers were lying in the turn lane just south of the traffic signal in Harpersville, Alabama.

I spotted the pliers as I entered the highway after having stopped at the Jack's fast food restaurant for a soft drink. I slowed down, stopped beside the pliers, opened my door and leaned out and picked up the pliers. The pliers appeared to have battery acid on them at the time and have rusted slightly since that day. The pliers are otherwise in excellent shape. This is the small (seven inch) version of these pliers. I don't have many opportunities to use this tool, but it is nice to know I have them handy.

Glenn Lakes Drive Corona Grass Shears

I found these Corona Grass Shears on Glenn Lakes Lane in July 2001.

I was returning home from a a trip to Home Depot. The shears were lying in the middle of the street. I turned around,went back and picked up the shears.

The grass shears are still sharp. There is a little rust on the blades, but there is a lot of plant sap. I have not used these shears because I usually use a string trimmer. I will probably begin using these because they are well made and would be helpful around some of my more delicate plants. The current version of these shears cost around $30. I imagine a landscape or yard cutting crew lost this tool.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Main Street Adjustable Wrench Sighting

Traffic on the way to work today was horrendous. The back up on Main street was all the way back to South Post Oak. In addition, I was stuck behind a woman putting on make-up all the way through the Medical Center. She was slow to react to traffic starting or stopping. Heavy traffic prevented me from being able to pass. She finally turned off at Rice University.

During my trip I spotted an adjustable wrench on the interior shoulder of Main Street just north of the Holmes Road intersection. The wrench appeared to be an 8 inch adjustable wrench. It was very shiny and appeared to be new.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hwy 288 Machete

I found this machete on the interior shoulder of Hwy. 288 northbound underneath the 610 south overpass. I passed by this tool for over 2 weeks before stopping to pick it up in July of 2002. This is an inexpensive plastic handled machete. There was surface rust on the blade. I did not bother to stop the rust since it was pretty severe. I use this tool to cut banana plants and to dig up deep rooted plants like passion flower water sprouts.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Main Street Logging Chain

I found this transport or logging chain at Mecom Fountain in the Circle at the intersection of Main Street and Montrose on my way to work in May of 2004. After passing by the chain I stopped on Montrose at the curb near the Houston Museum of Fine Arts and walked back to pick up the chain. The chain was slightly rusty which drove me to wash my hands immediately upon arriving on my floor at work.

The chain is 10 feet long and the hooks are made of forged steel in the U.S.A. according to the printing on the hooks. Ten feet of chain with hooks is handy for pulling vehicles, small stumps or holding to a tree trunk when using a come along. This chain was probably lost from a trailer truck or a wrecker.